
  • Year in Review

    In the words of Ice Cube, Today was a good day. I got my grub on, but didnt pig out. I did not however get a call from a girl named kim who can go all night. However, I did go to a party with my brother and pick up a girl there. One whom, again in the words of the great poet, i would not mind “digging out”

    Oh ice cube, you sassy bard you.

    What i dont understand is what the heck is wrong with chicago. How come every time i leave the state of illinois, i manage to secure some play, or at least find a decent scrimmage in terms of femal interactions, but once i am back in med school, its like any abilities i have are instantly lost.

    *rereads the line, back in med school*

    oh. nevermind then.

    Well, anyhoo, it is a little pre-emptive, but once again here is the internet meme, year in review. Take the first paragraph of the first post of each month from the last year, and post it. Groovy. Or here is a link to last years, where it was the first and last sentence of each post in the month

    So you all know what the baggage claims look like at the airport? with
    the circular conveyor belts that drop your luggage and then disappear
    behind rubber flaps until they come out for another round?

    i have always wondered what is behind those flaps, and in my dream i
    climbed up onto one of the belts lookinf for bahrams luggage and the
    belt took me behind the flap, and what do you think i saw?

    a willy wonka-esque wonderland, replete with oompa loompa baggage handlers, who were singing :

    where in the world did your luggage get lost?

    we do not know because the bags we toss

    you may be here, but your suitcase is there

    and now you have no un-der-wear

    you’ll have to go commando!

    Feb: I actually dreamt that i fell asleep in a cadaver tank and didnt wake up til someone opened it up to study. creepy

    Mar: At last I am finally getting around to posting about my japan trip.
    Photos were done a little differently this time. Since I took around
    600, it will be damn near forever before they get up on the usual
    picture site. Instead, they are all posted in albums under my yahoo

    So go to and just search through my
    various albums to see the parts I am talking about. I will also even
    post a few photos here.

    Apr: So Andy and I decided to walk from takashimaya back to shinjuku to grab
    some kujira for dinner. On the way, Andy wanted to show me one of his
    favorite places in tokyo, and gave me an impromptu photography lesson.

    May: I’m always surprised at what interesting e-mails I receive.
    “You girl is unsatisfied with your potency,” states one subject line in
    a very authoritative tone. This excites and concerns me. First,
    excitement – I thought I was single, but apparently I am not. I hoped
    to find her name and contact information in the text body, but no such
    luck. Second, concern – I unknowingly have potency problems? This
    doesn’t seem like a professional manner of breaking the news. However,
    there is a link, that if clicked on, promises me she won’t leave me for
    another man. Another e-mail is offering me an opportunity to refinance my
    house. Once again two things I am unaware of: Apparently I have a house
    that I have already financed
    once. This house must be where Amber (i hope that is her name) is. No hint of the house location was given.

    Jun: in the beginning i thought i was a muggle
    but voldemort is back and now i’m caught up in the struggle
    i don’t need no love potion to get me these hoes
    i went right out of hogwarts straight into the pros
    it’s like
    if you try to mess with me, i’ll hit you with a confundus
    you know me and ron weasly mother fucking run dis.
    just me and my boys and my boys have got my back
    remus lupin and sirius black
    even draco malfoy had to get to steppin’
    ’cause i found out that prophecy was voldemort’s secret weapon!
    even though i crashed into the whomping willow tree
    snape is teaching me to be l33t at occlumency

    Jul:Early in the morning, my mom, bro, and I swung by the
    friendship store (yes, it really IS called that, and they are actually pretty
    friendly) and the silk market to browse around for tchotckes and other tourist
    crap. The silk market is, as they say, the shit. On the one hand,
    I feel bad knowing that the reason I am getting all these ridiculousy good
    prices and shopkeepers willing to bargain is because of sweatshop labor, but on
    the other my participation or lack thereof in the process is not going to
    change any of china’s human labor laws, especially when there are hundreds of
    stores in the silk market and even more people buying from them…sorry PHR, but
    I will have to settle for feeling guilty in a badass yet cheap silk suit ($85,
    when standard is around $280…ya damn right) The silk market sells everything
    from suits to weapons to art and electronics…I am going to buy a lot of crap
    there, I just know it.

    Aug: great leprechauns of lebanon. i may have to revise my first estimate for posting china pics, folks

    of course i am sure you are saying by this point, that’s okay josh, as
    we were not actually reading your site anyway since you dont bother to
    update anymore. There is something so frustrating about studying in the sense that at
    the end of the day, you have no tangible evidence that you have
    accomplished anything. I mean, if you install a new showerhead, or air
    conditioner (both of which i did this week) or even cook a meal, you
    have something to show for it at the end. With studying however, you
    sit there and read and read and the next morning you have no clue if
    anything that you saw will seem familiar or be remembered…dang.

    Sep: I just learned the other day that the Mongols used to drink their horses’ blood when there was no food to be plundered. As in: Mongol
    raider: hmm, tough day of looting and pillaging today guys, and the
    damn chinese still have that wall up, so we can’t get takeout -looks
    like we are going to have to eat our transportation.Hey horse, stand
    still a minute That’s pretty badass…and
    also much harder to do with a civic. Although I suppose siphoning gas
    might come close, if i used said gas to go to the grocery store I
    mean, talk about oppression, this is ACTUALLY drinking the blood of the
    workers. Cart around some guy all day and then he goes vampire on your
    ass! The nerve!

    Oct: It sure was nice not to know anything. Those days are long
    gone. Before medical school-or even just last year-I didn’t know a
    thing about disease. What makes you sick, how you can die, how your body can
    fail on you. And now that I do, it’s a frightening knowledge. With every new organ we study, I basically learn
    more ways
    that I can die. More things that can go wrong, more ways that I can get
    more complications and symptoms I could have in the future. First with
    heart, you can have a heart attack. Duh. But you can also have sudden
    death-your heart just stops. Or you could have a clot that you have no
    about go to your brain or your lungs or anywhere else and kill you.
    Then with
    the lungs, there’s a ton of really nasty diseases that end up in
    lung. Or you can get a number of respiratory infections that’ll do you
    in. Then
    onto the kidneys. Plenty of ways those can just stop out of nowhere. or
    there’s GI, with cancer everywhere. (What’s worse, a significant number
    these diseases are what medicine likes to call “idiopathic.” That
    means no one has a freaking clue what causes them.)

    Nov: picking up right where we left off, i swear, the next stop on the
    china trip was a foray to the temple of heavenly harvest, aka Temple of
    Heaven. You gotta hand it to the chinese, they know how to name their
    monuments The
    Temple of Heaven, literally the Altar of Heaven (天坛), is a complex of Taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban Beijing, in Xuanwu District. Construction of the complex began in 1420, and was thereafter visited by all subsequent Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is regarded as a Taoist temple


    Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

    Well there you have it folks, another year of Josh in review

  • Haven’t done this in a while


    – Name: The Josh

    – Birth date: May 17, 1981

    – Birthplace: New York City

    – Current: North Chicago

    – Eye Color: Dark brown, like cocoa

    – Hair Color: Brown (with some red mixed in the beard-viking heritage, oh yeah!)

    – Height: 5′ 9″ &¾ (Yes, don’tt forget my &¾!)

    – Righty or Lefty: Ambi



    – Your heritage: russian, greek, italian, mexicant, honorary japanese and punjabi

    – The shoes you wore today: my fancy hospital dress shoes

    – Your weakness: temptation is totally my kryptonite

    – Your fears: failure

    – Goal you’d like to achieve:   dominating the boards



    – Your most overused phrase on aim: i’m studying

    – Your thoughts first waking up: 5 more minutes

    – Your best physical feature: My sense of humor, that’s all I got. That and my stunning good looks

    – Your bedtime: whenever i get tired of studying

    – Your best missed memory: times in japan



    – Pepsi or Coke: don’t drink soda

    – McDonald’s or Burger King: i dont eat burgers. but gyros are damn good

    – Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: How about ice cold crispy clear H2O instead?

    – Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, but it’s got to be soy cream

    – Cappuccino or coffee: green tea



    – Smoke: hookah

    – Cuss: Fuck, yeah

    – Sing: randomly when i am in the mood

    – Take a shower: it rained a few weeks ago, otherwise every day I undergo strenous physical activity, like waking up

    – Have a crush: does the BRS count?

    – Do you think you’ve been in love: I think/thought so

    – Want to go to university?: been there, done that

    – Like(d) high school: Apparently I was one of the few that did

    – Want to get married: Someday

    – Believe in yourself: Only one I can believe in. Except for Batman

    – Get motion sickness: not often

    – Think you’re attractive: think? I know

    – Think you’re a health freak: not as much as when i had my vegetarian friends apryl and larissa to cook for

    – Get along with your parent(s): Most of the time

    – Like thunderstorms: And how! Bring on the gorogoro

    – Play an instrument: the djembe



    In the past month…

    – Drank alcohol: sweet nectar of life after a long day of studying

    – Smoked: the occasional hookah is nice

    – Done a drug: just studied them lately, unless you count caffeine

    – Made Out: like a bandit

    – Gone on a date: in another country, no less

    – Gone to the mall: to study

    – Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope

    – Eaten sushi: how i miss those california days

    – Been on stage: yes, dancing salsa for the hispanic heritage month festival

    – Made homemade cookies: haven’t even had storebought cookies

    – Gone skinny-dipping: in 40 degree weather? i think not

    – Stolen anything: just the occasional nap




    – Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes, and I don’t play enough of them

    – Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes

    – Been called a tease: Does holding a double cheese burger over the head of a short fat girl count?

    – Shoplifted: do you know how heavy shops are?

    – Changed who you were to fit in: Nope, I am so loveable it is not necessary


    LAYER Eight

    – Age you hope to be married:  mid 30 ish?

    – Numbers and Names of Children: 2 of any sex, but one MUST have the middle name “The”

    – Describe your Dream Wedding: I will leave that to whoever I marry

    – How do you want to die: spontaneous combustion in a crowd…failing that old age…in a crowd

    – Where you want to go to university?: umm, i believe the phrase is been, there, done that

    – What do you want to be when you grow up: i dont want to grow up, i’m a toys r us kid

    – What country would you most like to visit:  thailand is next on the agenda



    In a guy/girl…

    – Best eye color? Oh, Jesus…all of them can look good, but natural grey looks bomb

    – Best hair color? Brunettes for sure

    – Short or long hair: in the past it has been long, but i am dating a girl who totally works the short hair

    – Height: shorter than me

    – Best weight: Depends on height,

    – Articles of clothing: Best would be something classy on top and something naughty under it

    – Best first date location: comedy club…nothing helps peepz bond like laughter

    – Best first kiss location: wherever the first kiss happens IS the perfect location. Ya, mad cheesy, I know



    –# of drugs taken illegally: umm…# of different kinds, occasions, what?

    –# of people I could trust with my life: 3, they know who they are

    –# of CDs that I own: all about the mp3 players now

    –# of piercings: none

    –# of tattoos: none…yet

    –# of things in my past that I regret: very few

    did you learn anything new about me? if you did, why not repost this on your page so i have something to look at when next i procrastinate?


  • Survey Says…

    Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them
    learn 50 things about you! Blah blah blah you’re tagged something
    something. Enjoy.

    1. How tall are you barefoot?
    I am 5’9″

    3. Do you own a gun?
    but thanks to Ken and my local firing range i am getting to be a fairly
    decent shot with the beretta. Paper attackers of the world, BEWARE!

    4. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be?

    5. How many letters are in your crush’s name?
    Hahaha.   Hmmm…4. I am a simple man.

    6. What do you think of hot dogs?
    Nathan’s or nothing

    7. What’s your favorite Christmas song?
    i dont particularly care for xmas music. I guess mary’s little boy child, cuz we did it for a cappella stuff

    8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
    soy milk

    9. Do you do push-ups?
    and how….clapping ones too, movie tough guy style

    10. Have you ever done coke?
    Yep. Speed is better. So is pepsi

    11. Do you smoke weed?
    it has happened on occasion, i have heard tell.

    12. Do you like painkillers?
    if i am in pain

    13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
    It’s so secret that even I don’t know what it is. 

    14. Do you own a knife?
    Who doesn’t?

    15. Do you have A.D.D.?

    16. Full initials?

    17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
    Why don’t girls send me pictures of their scantily clad bodies-damn gil
    is lucky. Is my zombie contingency plan up to date? I should go to the
    zoo this week.

    18. Name the last 3 things that you bought .
    Alcohol. Food. Gasoline.

    19. Name four drinks you regularly drink.
    water. green tea. soy milk. wine.

    20. What time did you wake up today?
    10:15 am.

    21. Can you spell?
    d00d i am 2 l33t to worry bout B-in pwned by some n0ob in speling

    22. Current worry?

    23. Current hate?
    the creator of that damn soquid/phoon commercial for wendy’s. I want to shoot that guy in the kneecaps

    24. Favorite place to be?

    25. Least favorite place to be?

    26. Where would you like to go?
    One go round on every continent please.

    27. Do you own slippers?
    sad but true, my inner geezer rears his balding head

    28. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs?
    graduating, hopefully! probably an indentured servant in some large city

    29. Do you burn or tan?
    I tan…..very very red. *sigh*

    30. Favorite color/s?
    Blue. no doubt.

    31. Would you be a pirate?
    Yarrr, I already be

    32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
    the humongous AMF at saddle ranch  on…saturday?

    33. What was the last song you sang in the shower?
    Sublime’s What I Got, naturally

    34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
    clowns. but that’s ridiculous, right? right? ha. ha. erm.

    35. What’s in your pockets right now?
    Nothing since these pants don’t have pockets.

    36. Last thing that made you laugh?
    My Brother and his “tall contests”

    37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
    jersey sheets…the t-shirt ones!

    38. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
    erm…breaking my sternum was rather the most uncomfortable.

    40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

    41. Who is your loudest friend
    Jessica…she is an opera singer

    42. Who is your most silent friend?

    43. Does someone have a crush on you?
    I wouldn’t doubt it…I am quite dashing

    44. Do you wish on stars?
    Yes, until mr depp finally got that restraining order through

    45. What is your favorite book?
    at the moment? anything by terry pratchett

    46. What is your favorite candy?
    peanut butter cups

    47. What song did you last hear?
    Tempurature by Sean Paul

    48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
    Wake Me up before you Go Go

    49. What were you doing 12AM last night?
    playing video games

    50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
    why do i have a tail? oh. dog. right.

  • Mucking About

    I have been so very lax in updating lately. Probably because it is the
    need to study that drives my most interesting updates. Well, that, and
    reader feedback. Now I am not pointing fingers or naming names, but
    since I have had diddly to study for the last couple months, and people
    dont comment on pic posts…well, there you are no updates

    But all that is in the past. I just returned to California last night
    after two solid days of driving cross country. No pics, because i
    didn’t take any and you dont care anyway I did however average
    100mph and/or 1000 miles a day, allowing me to make the trip in a mere
    2 days or 28 hours if it was done straight. As opposed to gay? How
    would one travel gay cross country? Hmm. Nevermind

    So since I am technically an M2 now, i decided it would be a good time to start studying for boards…

    5 minutes later, here I am updating xanga! you’re welcome. As i plan to
    try and actually get review done every day, you can look forward to
    perhaps some more of my older style posts returning, if you enjoyed
    those. Or you could leave comments to tell me what kind of things you
    would like to see.

    For the next month, i will just be posting whatever comes to mind, be it rants, photos, or wahtever.

    For example…I have learned that I have no game in Illinois. none.
    zip. zilch. zero ability to pick up women whatsoever. HOWEVER. A mere
    week back in LA when i came here for my bro’s graduation, and I managed
    to get a phone number of a girl hereafter referred to as “hawaiian

    Being incredibly bored driving thorugh nebraska (or iowa, or kansas,
    who gives a flying f*ck* really?) I decided, oh what the hey, i will
    give a call and if she still remembers who i am.

    Turned out i actually got a real phone number (always a pleasant surprise) and we are going out to lunch this weekend.

    This rapid ability to get a date when i am back in LA for less than a
    week (less than  a day actually) when i have been unable to get
    one for the entire past academic school year leads me to the conclusion
    that my problems in meeting women were not my fault, but Illinois’

    If anyone out there was wondering how I spit game (haha…i made me laugh) let me give you a few scrimmage tips:

    1)If you get a voicemail, hang up. Women who don’t know you dont call
    back. ever. even women who do know you dont really do this.

    2) Don’t waste more than a minute with idle chitchat. You and the girl
    both know this ain’t no social call. It’s like a military operation.
    Get in, accomplish your objective, get out. Plenty of time for talking
    and getting to know her if she says yes…if she doesn’t…well, then
    you haven’t wasted any time

    3) Women are for some reason threatened by the idea of dinner…lunch
    dates are more likely to get yes because lunch is a short meal and they
    can always go back to work or whatever after if they want to get away.
    It is the lowest level of commitment for a social outing anyone can

    4) Don’t actually offer the girl an opportunity to say no…this boils
    down to cockiness/confdidence. If you act like her agreeing to meet you
    is a foregone conclusion, she probably will too.

         ex: Hey this is JD, we met a few weeks ago. I was driving back cross country, so i   
          thought I would give you a call and see when you were free to grab lunch

    Note in the example that this entirely fictional JD character did not
    ask if the girl was free, but when. The assumption is that she couldn’t
    possibly say no…

    So yes…at the very least, i get another chance to try out a new
    restaurant and have some pleasant coversation. And if things don’t go
    quite as well, well I am off to China in a month anyway! w00t.

    And now that I have covered the big things, let’s play a New Game!

    It’s the small things in life like…

    …the last piece of sashimi at your favorite sushi place.

    …the dog jumping on your bed to wake you up

    …friendly sarcasm.

    …being lipid deficient.

    …taking a photo and realizing it came out better than expected.

    …running the table in billiards.

    …uncontrollable laughter.

    …receiving snail mail that isn’t bills or junk.

    …sitting in nice cars.

    …playing with new toys and gadgets for the first week, then letting them collect dust.

    …slight inebriation, but not drunk.

    …late night AIM conversations.

    …scratching mosquito bites and/or itches.

    …picking out the crunchberries in capn’ crunch

    ….rolling around on the grass

    …a cup full of ice cold boba

    …getting comments on a xanga entry (hint hint )

    What are some of the small things in life that bring you joy?


  • Inside The Actors Studio

    For those of you who watch Inside the Actor’s Studio, you will be
    familiar with the following questions . . 
    at the end of the show, James Lipton asks
    these questions of various actors and it’s fun to see who has really
    thought these out (it’s not like it’s a surprise that he’s asking them)
    and those who just are answering pretty much off the cuff.  Sean Penn’s
    answers were the best (his pearly gates answer was a classic).   Julia
    Roberts was boring.   Don’t think too much about the questions, just
    answer the first thing that comes to mind.  Cut and paste, delete
    previous answers and tell us about you . . .  

    01. What is your favorite word?

          judging by frequency of use, fun
         judging by joy of hearing it said, squeegee

    02. What is your least favorite word?


    03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

         creatively: anything that tends to be flowing
    or smooth…whether art, photography, dance, etc…if it rolls off the
    performers, I am hooked
       spiritually: watching children explore the world around them, especially if they have puppies
       emotionally: haha…i am a med student, we have no emotions. I am just a souless robot

    04. What turns you off?

         indecisiveness, lack of confidence, willful ignorance

    05. What is your favorite curse word?

    crap rabbits

    06. What sound or noise do you love?

       laughter, water droplets hitting window

    07. What sound or noise do you hate?

       people yelling at one another.

    08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

      in the real world: acting
    but the real profession i want is superhero

    09. What profession would you not like to do?

       accounting or anything with extensive number crunching

    10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?”
      Surprised you’re here? Me too! nah, just messin with ya, go on
    back, Jesus and Buddha got the hookah all fired up and food is on the

  • Countdown Survey

    Because I am bored and have nothing else of interest to post at the moment

    9 Lasts

    1. cigarette: about 6 months ago, when i was drunk
    2. beverage: water
    3. kiss: too long…
    4. hug: Mom as she dropped me off at the airport
    5. movie seen: tim burton’s corpse bride
    6. cd played: def tech- pacific island music
    7. song listened to: hips dont lie by shakira
    8. bubble bath: erm…when i was like 5 before my hydrophobia kicked in
    9. time you cried: when my father died

    8 have you evers

    1. dated one of your best friends: nope
    2. skinny dipped: yeah
    3. kissed somebody and regretted it: nope
    4. fallen in love: yep
    5. lost someone you loved: yep
    6. been depressed: yep, but not for long
    7. been drunk and threw up: oh hell yep
    8. ran away: On a weekly basis when i was a kid…but i was always back by dinnertime

    7 states you’ve been to

    1. California
    2. New York
    3. Illinois
    4. Florida
    5. Pennsylvania
    6. Massachusetts
    7. Conneticut

    6 things you’ve done today

    -Studied for ICM
    -checked email
    -watched movie on xbox
    -updated my blog
    -went to bank
    -parboiled small child

    5 favorite things in no order

    - wine
    - women

    4 people you last talked to

    -My mom

    3 wishes

    1. to travel to every continent
    2. to have my birthday be a  national holiday
    3. to find some way to make these wishes come true

    2 things you want to be when you grow up

    I don’t plan on growing up, by i will be a doctor eventually

    1 thing you regret

    That my career path did not allow me to teach english in japan

    i don’t want to end this on an unhappy note, so how about:

    1 thing in life that you’re glad about:

    That I have a great support system of family and friends in this world…I love them all!


  • More survey madness!

    taken from mari…and posted to keep you entertained while i upload more pics

    1. Nervous Habits:cracking knuckles, spinning pen around fingers, whistling, thumbig earlobe
    2. Are you double jointed: in some places
    3. Can you roll your tongue: no, but i can fold it
    4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: maybe? yep
    5. Can you blow spit bubbles: yep, and smoke rings
    6. Can you cross your eyes: yep
    7. Tattoos: no, but if i were to get one, it would be the kanji for health, or a buddhist symbol
    8. Piercings: not on your life…no one puts holes in me
    9. Do you make your bed daily: of course, if you mean, fold blanket back.

    – CLOTHES –
    10. Which shoe goes on first: dont know, never thought about it
    11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: who throws a shoe? honestly?
    12. On the average, how much money do you carry: at least 40
    What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: necklace…either my tibetan tangka, or my japanese kanji, and buddhist rosary bracelet
    14. Favorite piece
    of clothings: leather jacket

    – FOOD –
    15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl, neither, just scoop it up with nearest utensil
    16. Have you ever eaten Spam: ick no
    Favorite ice cream flavor: ick no
    18. How many cereals in your cabinet: none
    19. What’s your favorite beverage: soy milk, green tea
    20. What’s your favorite restaurant: oh jeebus thats way too broad
    21. Do you cook: i am a regular gourmet

    – GROOMING –
    22. How often do you brush your teeth: every morning
    23. Hair drying method: erm, thinking deep thoughts?
    Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: blue, green, red, blond,
    tiger stripes, leapord spots, i think that about covers it

    –MANNERS –
    25. Do you swear: me? fuck no. .
    26. Do you ever spit: when the mood strikes.

    27. Animal: puppies! with monkeys a close second
    Food: oh spanakopita for shiz, then avocadoes
    29. Month: may
    30. Day: saturday
    31. Cartoon: family guy
    Shoe Brand: i have no clue what brand my shoes are
    33. Subject in school: intro to clinical medicine
    34. Color: blue
    35. Sport: UFC, pool
    36. Show: scrubs, family guy, naruto
    37. Thing to do in the spring: roll on the grass, sit on the porch and smoke hookah
    38. Thing to do in the summer: travel
    39. Thing to do in the fall: celebrate. go to parks/museums/movie
    40. Thing to do in the winter: party. cook

    In the CD player: erm…have mp3 player, not cd…but listening to a lot of sambada lately
    42. Person you talk
    most on the phone with: my bro
    44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store
    windows and mirrors: when you look as good as i do, you don’t need confirmation
    45. What color is your bedroom: whiteish
    Window seat or aisle: window so i can look out

    –LA LA LAND –
    48. What’s your sleeping position: back with arms folded and eyes slightly open (not kidding!)
    49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: yep, i need the security of something covering me
    50. Do you snore: no but i sleep with my eyes open
    51. Do you sleepwalk: nope
    52. Do you talk in your sleep: i used too, not sure if i still do
    53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yes, but i always use protection
    54. How about with the light on: no, but i can
    55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: no
    Last interesting person you met: vinh was the last new person i actually met…


  • A stall for time!

    Alrighty folks…here is the deal:

    I have a ton of stuff to tell you about my japan trip. I have even more
    pictures to post, which i am in the midst of doing as i type this.

    however, given that I have a complete medical history to write up by
    monday, and that I am co-producing the all school talent show, which is
    in exactly two weeks and i have a ton of shit to do for that, you are
    going to have to wait a little while to get the full monty.

    in the meantime, here is something i got tagged for and will leave you to read while I stall for time

    Tagged/Victimized by EnAmorContigo

    1. The tagged must come up with 10 different points of their perfect lover
    2. Need to mention gender of target
    3. tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment saying they’ve been tagged
    4. if tagged again there is no need to post a second time

    With that in mind…erm…here we go

    1. The lady must have a sense of humor about herself as well as others.
    Making fun of me is well and good, but if you cant take it, dont dish
    it out. Similarly, I make politically incorrect jokes. often. gotta be
    able to laugh at least some of them. or else, hypothetical woman, we
    are over
    2. She must be willing to try new things/adventurous. Not that i will
    force her to go skydiving or eat horse or any of that, but someone who
    will at least be willing to do something they have never done before
    3. She must have long hair. Yes, i really am that shallow. maybe 4
    women on earth look better with short hair than long, and 3 of them
    haven’t been born yet
    4. She should be honest with me. Lying is above all the number one pet
    peeve/dealbreaker i have given my relationship history. I catch someone
    in a lie, and it hits the fan. Hard enough for me to trust some people
    as is
    5. She should be willing to argue with me…what good is a brainless automaton?
    6. She should be a child at heart…i.e. watch cartoons, play video
    games, roll around on the grass for no reason other than it feels fun
    7. She should like dogs. I am not a cat person, and birds dont even enter into the equation.
    8. She should be shorter than me, if not by much. Again, I am shallow, and we are talking about ideals here, not actual people
    9. She should be a touchy/feely person. Not necessarily huge PDA, but
    not going to be bothered if i do the arm around in public thing. Yes, i
    am lame as well as shallow. Sue me.
    10. At some point in her life, she probably should have tried some kind
    of illegal narcotic. Explaining my reasoning behind this would also
    take too long, so lets summarize down to it makes you more open minded
    shall we?

    Now as for who to tag…hmmm. You’re it!

    Mary  Mari
    wenyin  grrsh
    ken      vin
    linh    whoever else reads this

    bonus points to me if they all actually do it!

    erm and yeah…that will do it for now. Oh and for those of you
    interested, i have re-started up another slightly more private blog
    …if you know me well enough, you should have no trouble finding it.


    The Josh is a big tease

  • Time wasting survey #3216

    1} Last thing you burned while attempting to cook? havent burned anything in years…i cook too often

    2} Describe yourself in three “s” words: funny charming reactive

    3} How long does it take you to get ready for your day? 20 minutes w/shower, 10 w/o

    4} Favorite place to blow $50? online-amazon, fatwallet, spoofee, you name it

    5} How many people have you thought were “the one”? Hmmm… 1

    6} What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex? lying

    7} What kind of car do you drive? honda civic

    8} What’s in your CD player/ipod right now? The Academy Is…down and out

    9} What celebrity would you have coffee with? rachel bilson (summer on the OC)

    10} What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with? ashton kutcher, b/c i would beat him to death with the coffee mug

    11} What kind of toothpaste do you use? crest

    12} What time do you go to bed? 12am

    13} Last movie you saw? At the movies, hostel, on dvd, tom yum goong

    14} Last TV show you watched? the oc

    15} Who is your best friend? *shrugs* lets say my bro this time, mmkay?

    16} Who in your family do you best get along with? my brother

    17} Who do you have a crush on? girls…cant live with em, cant be heterosexual w/o them

    18} What time is it right now? 11:56am lunch break!

    19} Are you planning a vacation/travel? Japan in 3 weeks baby!

    20} When/Where was the last time you traveled? last spring to new york

    21} How many times have you been in love?  Hmmm… twice?

    22} How old will you be in 10 years? 34

    23} Where do you see yourself in 10 years? in a hospital , working to pay back loans

    24} Sinful snacking weakness? potato chips or wheat thins with hummus

    25} Rollercoasters? exciting if you cant go skydiving

    26} Ever run out of gas? Nope

    27} Ever been on a train? again, japan. although i guess the chicago metro would count too

    28} Ever been on a blind date? yup

    29} Ever been to Europe? Yup

    30} What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? go clubbing in revealing clothes and get free drinks

    31} Would you tell anyone it was really you? wheres the fun in that?

    32} Ever been arrested? yep

    33} Have a crush on anyone you work with? i am a t.a….i dont work with anyone

    34} What is something you believe in? myself

    35} What is something you fear? failure

    36} Big or small? BIG

    37} What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced? ..tough question, so i wont answer

    38} What is your favorite television show? scrubs, family guy, batman the animated series, the oc, south park

    39} Ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture?
    how could i possibly look BETTER than i already do?

    40} Tell us something about your childhood. i was a stupid child and accident prone

    41} What would it cost for you to flash the person next to you? if there were someone next to me, about 5 dollars…i’m cheap

    42} Best time to catch you in a good mood? pretty much anytime

    43} If you could be anything for one day, what would it be? a monkey…or batman…or monkey batman!


    The Josh will return after these brief commercial messages

  • The year in review

    So i was looking back at my new years post last year and Here were my New Years Resolutions of 2005

    1.Become a better person (ego aside, folks, there is always room for improvement)
     (i would like to think i have done this and continue to do so)
    2.Make someone’s day…as often as possible
    (no way to know, but again i can only hope)
    3.Become a doctor
    (this is an ongoing one)
    4.Learn something new every day
    5.Appreciate the common, along with the spectacular
    6.Keep in touch with old friends and new
    (double check)
    7.Find enlightenment
    (so not even close)
    8.Get my freakin IPOD…c’mon xangaland, little help here..
    (did one better and got the zen touch…f you ipod!).
    9.Make myself better stronger and faster
    (thank you dity workout!)
    10.Be dependable, but never predictable
    (well i am predictable in my dependability, so that one kinda backfired)

    Well i finally got around to playing this internet game. So here we go

    Year in review Instructions
    Go to the first entry of each month for the last year
    copy and paste the first and last sentence of each of those entries

    Happy New Year (or for my nihonjin tomodachi’s, shiawase na oshogatsu)…
    But if I was, I would be a spider monkey

    Dont wanna study, so here I am again. Why do I have dialogues with my xanga? who exactly is it that I think I am talking to?…
    Did you know I have a fake tooth? tis true tis true…I was born
    w/o one, so I got an implant. But now i could have a fake tooth that
    drools…so much cooler I especially like how the article mentions…no
    more cottonmouth…who could they be marketing that to?

    Why have I not updated all week? Mostly because I was asleep. I
    have contracted some sort of Super Sleeping Sickness. Seriously, i was
    out by like 9-10pm this whole week with afternoon naps too. I only woke
    up to do the dumb things I had to do, like study, go to class, and when
    I could remember to, eat. For a while I thought I might have West Nile
    Virus, but of course I would never get anything that exciting. More
    likely it was just those darn ninjas pumping the poison sleeping gas
    into my apartment again in an effort to destroy me BUT IT WILL NEVER
    Oh and it has come to my attention that some people do not
    understand that “not work safe” next to a link could mean potential
    pr0n (that is l33t for “porn” smiley)

    Lord Byron once called shaving �A
    daily plague, which in the aggregate, may average on the whole with
    parturition.� After looking up that last word, it�s
    obvious that this Byron fellow probably
    had no idea how to shave. But that doesn’t make me dislike it any

    Let me know what you think of my new face…because I am growing the old one back as soon as possible!

    Okay, yes, fine, the zombie thing was a clever hoax, and believe it, no
    one was more disappointed than I. Honestly…it would have been a dream
    come true (sorry nakochan, but Zombies are COOL)…

    sorry, I got a little carried away there. So yeah, xangaverse…what are YOUR pet peeves?discuss and/or comment

    Not much to update about at the moment. but let me heartily recommend the series Robot Chicken for you to download or watch…
    Voltron Getting served is ah ha ha oh it is to laugh

    Alright so perhaps I fibbed a little when I promised you an immediate
    update, but things came up, among them the anime expo and a slew of
    other errands…
    …(on voicemail) Dude i know you in vegas so if you not answering your
    phone, you better be with a hooker by now, and if your not, my credit
    card number is…

    Guess who’s Back!Back Again!Josh is Back!Tell a friend!…
    …I rock. About two people after me, someone else also said originality,
    but it was no longer original by that point, was it punk? VICTORY IS

    Yes Mari, I lied and the last post wasn’t short. I am a bad person

    and to end: i did not win vp position, but things still seem to be
    going well with the attractive AP, so good to balance bad, and the
    world keeps on spinning

    SO this weekend has been somewhat more unproductive than I had hoped…

    Which reminds me. Kelly, if you have skype now, i still owe you a monkey phone cal

    Pictures. Lots of em. Some from Halloween and our costumes, but mostly more from Zentra courtesy of Tony…

    Josh is zip zoom fly

    Diwali Pics are finally up!…143
    of them with multiple costume changes by me, several of the acts, the
    after party and all sorts of goodies…peruse through them while i work
    on the next post….
    That’s the chocolate money shot Re: willy wonka’s melting chocolate taj mahal

    what is your ideal career? I am a mad scientist

    And last but not least, some adventures in AIM
    coffeeweasel: i am going to miss anatomy lab when it is over
    coffeeweasel: where will i get all my stories from?
    GreanTeaDrinker: Haha, seriously.
    coffeeweasel: just saw hostel
    coffeeweasel: i am NEVER going to slovakia
    coffeeweasel: thos people are FUCKED UP
    coffeeweasel: also, i learned that anatomy has desensitized me even more than years of horror movies to blood and gore
    GreanTeaDrinker: lol
    coffeeweasel: although granted, the bodies in the lab dont scream no no
    please no oh dear god no why are you doing that i need that to live
    coffeeweasel: but my point still stands
    GreenTeaDrinker: you are one crazy dude


    The Josh dances like no one is watching