September 7, 2005

  • Not thirty minutes before writing this entry, I held a human heart in my hands…then i poked my finger inside and felt around a little. Then I made another joke about the Aortic ARRRCH. I think that pretty much sums me up well, don’t you?

    Lucky you readers, you get this quick entry while I am waiting to go to my interprofessional health teams class, which is just this side of useless. Honestly the class is like kindergarten. We all sit around in a circle and talk about what the various dieticians, p.a.’s podiatrists, etc do and how we can interact with them as doctors. Which is all well and good as cooperation is key in the health profession.

    But honestly the way the class is structured, it feels like a condescending way to teahc us how to “interact” with “not doctor” professions. We get cute little book report things to do for the other professional roles, and we paly games and really all we are missing is naptime and cookies. And I could spend my time so much more productively doing just about anything else

    On the other hand, there are a lot of cute physicians assistants in thast class, so i shall quit my bitching.

    Oh and Wenyin and anyone else who could care less about my random links and actually wants to know just about my life (aww, shucks…) posts about what i am doing will always be at the very beginning or very end of an entry with linky goodness in the middle. like so.

    What Kind of Killer Are You? Really, who didn’t see this coming?

    You are a Samurai.

    You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don’t belive in mourning all the time and think that once you’ve hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It’s pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.

    Main weapon: Sword

    Quote: “Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest” -Mark Twain

    Facial expression: Small smile

    Damn there is my japanese fetish again. Oh well. How about some politicinzing.

    Chief Injustice

    For those of you who didn’t know, Chief Justice Earl Rehnquist died recently of some kind of cancer, and that means someone new need sot be appointed to the supreme court. Now with Justice Sandra Day o Connor also retiring soon that gives Bush the chance to appoint two people to the court, when in the last century only 2 presidents even had the option to appoint one. This is frightening people. Bush has been pushing his nominee John ROberts. Originally slated to replace the retiring O’Connor, ROberts is now set up to take over as the numero uno justice the youngest man on the court, and the one with the least experience before coming to the bench

    Although the chief justice has no more votes than his eight brethren, he presides over their conferences, sets the initial agenda for considering cases and, when in the majority, assigns which justice will write a ruling, defining the extent of its reach. He also wields a variety of administrative and policy powers not only over the high court but the broader federal judiciary and has a number of unique responsibilities, such as presiding over presidential impeachment trials and appointing the court that reviews secret wiretaps by U.S. intelligence agencies.

    Most chief justices have been appointed from outside the Supreme Court, but in the past century they typically had long tenures on lower courts or had served as governors, Cabinet secretaries or, in one case, president. With just two years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Roberts boasts no such credential and would be much younger than the colleagues he would lead.

    Documents released from his government service in the past few weeks revealed Roberts to be a strong conservative with a sharp pen opposed to many affirmative action programs, open to more religion in public arenas and deeply skeptical of what he called the “so-called right to privacy” that undergirds abortion and other rights established by the Supreme Court

    So international readers, he again is the warning that America is being run into the ground by a coke addled monkey who cares more about imposing his way on the world than working for the common good. Who needs rights anyway, you pinko commy bastards?

    I’m High on Life said the med student

    A new study of young doctors who are notoriously overworked shows that they’re often so tired that they perform some activities as if they were hammered had been drinking. The University of Michigan study was the first of its kind to do this kind of sleep/alcohol comparison–previously used on truck drivers, for example–on medical residents. The young doctors who were on a “heavy schedule” slept an average of 3 hours per night and performed as if they had a BAC of .04

    So, all that heavy drinking I am doing is just preparing me for my later work life

    Off to class. Maybe we fingerpaint today!


    Josh has some apples. Loo Loo Loo

Comments (2)

  • Dude…you want to go to Thailand, you’re making me excited Josh!!  I need to check if I can get the time off or if there are any national holidays around that time! 

    As for the aggressive thing…hmmmm…don’t be too pushy as in don’t keep asking her when to hang out all the time, etc.  Play it cool.  Hahaha…does that help? 

    The Ronin is a samurai…I never thought about it that way.  Hahaha…thanks for the enlightenment! 

    And what the heck is this xangaspy?? 

  • I’m apparently an assassin.  Facial expression:  narrowed eyes. 
    Hmm… I might have to do something about the devolution that is America.

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