
  • More Medical Webcomics

    And Now, more medical webcomics

    Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

    Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
    use only as prescribed

    hope they dont call me

  • A return to your regularly scheduled programming

    Thanks to everyone who viewed and or commented on the post about my friends death. As long as his memory lives on, a part of him will always be with all his friends and family, and that’s the only immortality any of us really need. One nice thing is the act of remembering him helped bring me back to xanga after what has felt like too long a hiatus. So let us now resume your regular musings, thoughts, complaints, and inappropriate comics.

    Given the state of medicine today, and all its gagdets and electronics, doesn’t the idea of a rectal exam seem a bit low tech? When I was a young lad, I heard the term digital rectal exam and thought it was something like a digital watch…you sit on some machine and a printout is ready to tell you if you have butt disease.

    Who was the first guy to think of performing it. Like way back in ancient times someone looked at a sick person and thought to themselves…I bet if I stick a finger up his butt, I can figure out whats wrong with him!

    In other news, while I love being back on wards, I really dislike social admits. They usually go something like this

    It can get very frustrating when families have unrealistic expectations. Some people do not get better, some people can only be stabilized and returned to their daily life. And yet there seems to be an unspoken…heck often even a spoken expectation that not only will we as doctors return the person to normal, but to what they were in their youth. Fix them up to make them better stronger faster, etc. And I am sorry for the forthcoming cynicism, but as long as we continue in this culture of not taking responsibility for our own health and actions, medicine will really only serve for the most part to keep people alive who should have died long ago.

    I realize the above is not an entirely fair statement, but in many cases it’s all too accurate. And somehow I have turned depressing again. bleh. oh well next entry I’ll try again to share some happier stories.

  • Spoonful of Sugar

    Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

    Oh Cyanide and Happiness, how i have missed your carefree medical comics.

    I’m still plugging away in the ccu

  • Good News and Bad News


    Sometimes I ask myself, “is there anything, that someone, somewhere WONT put into their ass”

    And thankfully for comedians everywhere, the answer is always a firm resounding NO.


    What all my patients are really thinking…

  • Malpractice Makes Perfect
    Had a 28 year old patient who refused to take his antibiotics because they made him nauseous. I offered nausea medication, he said no dice. I argued with him for a full 5 minutes and then just gave it a mental “fuck it.” i have better things to do than argue with people who dont want my help. Like selling spinal fluid to inner city kids

    Then had another patient who refuses to get xrays because she has had “too many” this year and “the radiation is going to give me cancer, i saw it on the news”. Reason for the xray: to stage her (currently benign and operable) cancer

    Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
    Cyanide & Happiness @

    It’s been a frustrating night and it’s still only beginning. Just 2 more weeks til wards, I keep reminding myself, just 2 more weeks.

  • Metamorphosis

    My first month of Night Float is almost done (I think, timekeeping is a little tricky with my sleep schedule) and It has been an eye-opening experience to say the least. Residency is three years for a reason and I hardly expect to become proficient in medicine only 2 months in.

    That aside, I have occasional sensations of stepping outside myself and seeing how far I have come in only 2 months. Certain facts have come back to me instantly from med school, and I can create a differential and plan for conditions like dark stool or chest pain almost immediately, while things as obvious as back pain or shortness of breath leave me drawing a blank.

    Its as though after years of seeing all the information in medical school, I was blinded and am learning to walk again in fits and starts, sure of my stride here, hesitantly stepping there and hoping that I dont walk into a bus while I wait to regain my vision.

    Even as recently as my first night ago, I remember handing out pain med orders like pez because I honestly couldnt assess if the patient actually needed them or not. Tonigh has been just the opposite-my jerk side is in full swing and despite prodding from the nurses and whining from some of the patients I will not prescribe opioids simply because you ask for them. Doubly so if no history and physical is available on the patient its being requested for. My job is to handle crises as they arise and while it is unfortunate and uncomfortable that people are suffering, people are unlikely to die from not receiving morphone for their pain.

    Certain decisions have become easier, and I am beginning to develop an idea of how to screen which patients require visitation, which calls are wasting my time, and which people are trying to pass the buck to me because I sit on the bottom of the totem pole.

    My metamorphosis has begun, and it simply remains to be seen what will emerge at the end.

    “Confusion never stops
    Closing walls and ticking clocks
    Gonna come back and take you home
    I could not stop what you now know
    Singing: Come out upon my seas
    Curse missed opportunities
    Am I a part of the cure
    Or am I part of the disease?”

  • Business As Usual

    As I filled up my tank at the gas station in downtown Hollywood on the way to work today, a balding white dude pulled in, put his blinkers on, and made a cell phone call. Then a youth with a small bicycle and a large white t-shirt rode up, dumped the bike, got into the car, and quickly exited and cycled away as the man drove off. It all took about fifteen seconds, so maybe he was just saying hello? And he had to do it all up close and personal. And he probably had to give the guy a little baggie, because he knows how much his friend likes to organize all his small items, and then he asked for some ice-cream money and the balding guy was happy to oblige on this beautiful summer day. Yes, that’s probably it.


    Somewhere around 1 or 2 AM (it can be hard to tell) I got a call to go check on a patient who the previous night had a “pseudo code”. A pseudo code is when a patient for one reason or another becomes unstable enough that a code is called, but by the time everyone gets there it is canceled. This is usually due to respiratory more than cardiac issues.

    But I digress. According to the nurse, the previous night the patient had some mild vomiting and when he was turned on his side, he went into a brief respiratory (not cardiac) arrest. This current night he had also had some mild vomiting, so the nurse wanted to give me a heads up. Because nurses are awesome like that.

    Sure enough, probably not even an hour later, a code was called and we all rushed in, me thinking a proper doctorly “OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP SOMEONE GET THERE BEFORE ME” only to find that the gentleman had once again had an apneic (he stopped breathing) episode. Of course, this one was made all the more disturbing because since this had happened the previous night, he was already on a facemask with 100% oxygen when he had this episode. An ABG (arterial blood gas) demonstrated a pH of 7.074 O2 of 61.2 and CO2 of 107. Yes, fellow meddites, you read that correctly. and Laypeople, that is ludicrously high. Practically non compatible with life high.

    In case you are wondering, you bet your sweet fanny I went straight up the ladder to the Hospitalist to confirm any ideas I even thought of having. And he concurred that the patient should be intubated and transferred to the ICU, at least for the night. Remember my job on night float is to keep everyone alive til MORNING. What they do after I go home is someone else’s problem

    Then the fun began as I had to explain to the family what was going on and why, as family remained convinced that they should have just taken the patient home with them and he was doing fine until the doctors got at him, and isnt putting a tube down his throat dangerous on all the tv shows, and he was the picture of health not even a day ago and the like

    Sometime around 4:50 AM I finished all of this and realized my dinner was still down somewhere in the residents lounge unfinished, lonely, cold, neglected, and unlikely to fulfill its destiny.

    Guess it’s my breakfast now.

  • More fun patient stories

    On night float, I mostly admit or cross cover patients. I am not responsible for following them, just getting them in and up to the floor. If you think of a hospital as a hotel (and some of our patients clearly do) then I would be the equivalent of the check-in desk, or maybe the bellhop

    Some Memorable Patients recently…

    Snoop Dogg Granny  with a social history of her smoking says she had a pack a day for 7 years, then quit for 15 then started again because she “likes [her] nictonine better than her lungs” Next I asked her about alcohol consumption and this 88 year old frail looking responds that she drinks gin and oj every day! “rolling down the street in my wheelchair, sippin on gin and juice, laid back, with my mind on my heart meds and my heart meds on my mind…”
    A 400lb pregnant woman with a 180 pound husband…Bit the bullet and asked the patient how she got pregnant. Not like how could anyone ever be attracted to her, but simply, mechanically, how does a 400 lb person have sex? And she replied that her mother and her husbands sister used a broom to lift her pannus so she and the husband could have sex. Good luck trying to get that image out of your head…

  • Why Not Zoidberg